Stay Safe

Stay Safe
Stay Protected

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Staying safe, But having fun!

You might be thinking.. God this is so boring staying safe all the time, But staying safe doesn't have to always be a bore. There are many games that are safe and i would strongly reccomend from a few google games or If you dident already know "https" means the website is completely safe, whereas "http" means its not 100% secure. Mochigames is extremely safe and you can have alot of fun! Also, We are not saying that you can't go on messaging websites, Just be careful what your username is, Lukes tips clearly shows that you shouldent have you real name as a username and remember, dont give out your personal information :) Have fun!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

 Safety Kitten has just realised what its done
But now it fixed the issue and has nothing to fear

Remember you can change your username on most websites if you havent already make sure you do, so your real name is safe.

Why is staying safe so important?

It's important to know how to stay safe when you're using the internet. You should never give out any personal information when you're online, no matter who you think you're talking to.You should always keep in mind that internet users can pretend to be anyone they like. They can lie about their age, their interests and whether they're male or female. No matter how long you've been chatting, remember that they're still strangers; you don't really know them at all.

Here are some tips:
  • your page is still a public place, so putting anything on your page that you wouldn't want your parents, teacher or boss to see is not a good idea
  • you can never be sure that other users are being truthful about their online identities, so be careful about what information you give out
  • to think about whether you know someone well enough before accepting someone into your group of linked friends
  • to make sure you know who to contact to report abuse or bullying on your page and how your complaint will be dealt with

Are you SAFE?

<--------- Safe kitty has found one way to stay safe

What about you?

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Bibek - Cyber bullying.

Cyber bullying is when a person, or a group of person uses electrical technology to threaten, blackmail, or abuse some individual or a group of people.
It is illegal to do it and it is angaist the law.

There are lots of ways people might try to cyber bully such as
  • Email
  • Instant Messaging
  • Social Networking Sites
  • Mobile Phone
  • Images/ Videos abuse
  • Personal information Abuse etc.
There are lots of ways cyberbullying and millions of people are being bullied that we might not aware of. Stop ! if your suffering from cyberbullying then Report it !

How to stop, if your getiing cyber bullied?
  • Talk with your parents/ teachers or any trusted adult.
  • Don't talk with strangers.
  • Don't give out personal information
  • Change your password and nicknames.
  • Block email and never open email from suspicious people.
IF your really struggling and need some advice:

Luke's Safety Tips!

Staying safe online is EASY how do I know that??? because Im Safe!

These are some crucial tips to follow

1). Do not give out your personal information such as Name, Address, Phone number
2)Allways use a screen name such as LittleMrsSafety or ImSafeGetOverIt91
3) Only talk to people you know! Do not add anyone you don't
4).Ensure you are using trusted websites that are deemed safe by your security software (if you dont have security software we recommend you get some).
5) if a website doesent have https: infront of it then your information could be at risk!

Those are just a few of the possible things YOU can do to stay safe
Now what can we do?
Well I will tell you

If you feel someone is a pedofile or being abusive report it, there is usually a report button or e-mail the company with the username of the culprit. They can then bann that person

And remember don't bully other people online you would not like it done to you ;)

Stay Safe Stay Protected

Tuesday 10 May 2011


Hello and welcome to the stay safe stay protected blog here you will find all you need to know about staying safe online!